(904) 863-8494 Sales: Open 8:30 AM - 8 PM Service: Open 7:30 AM - 6 PM


Beaver Toyota St. Augustine

Let Us Bring The Vehicle To You

We're committed to making car shopping as simple as possible. And that's why Beaver Toyota St. Augustine is offering an At Home Test Drive. That's right, we will bring our vehicles to you for a convenient, pressure-free test drive with no obligation to buy.


By bringing the vehicle to you, you are given the opportunity to immerse this vehicle in your everyday lifestyle. Are you interested in towing capacity? Attach it to your trailer. Do your dogs go everywhere you go? Load them up in the back and see if they fit comfortably. Do you have small children? See if their car seats will fit in the back seat.


We want to make sure the vehicle you buy is the vehicle that best suits your needs. Buying a vehicle is a big investment, and a big decision.  Let us, at Beaver Toyota St. Augustine, help you make that decision easier with our At Home Test Drive.